Sunday, February 1, 2009

Please No videotaping or flash photography: Lecture With Anna Deavere Smith

Who is she? Who is Anna Deavere Smith? I don't know some celebrity... Have you seen her before, heard her speak anywhere else? Nope.

Constant chanting filled the lecture room. Uttering, due to lack of knowledge or for that matter what to expect. Some sat quietly, patiently waiting for the speaker to arrive. While others continued the most common ritual, talking. Educated guesses and every now an then pointing drew my attention. Not rude behavior just slight hand gestures; suggesting that a certain someone was indeed Smith, the celebrity in question. But that's gossip, and had I or other unsure students been equip for a such a unprecedented lecturer, our initial reactions would have been obvious.

Her words wouldn't have hit us as hard, creating a totally new environment around us. We'd be rattled and the adrenaline in or bodies would be as clock work and our thoughts would go into motion. Forewarnings of boredom would be out of our minds and we'd hunger for more. Questions we'd want to answer because there's no judging. Smith reached out to the audience telling us to question the official truth, develop an ear, voice opinions, create. She vouched for communication, diversity, creativity, identity and responsibility. Saying that they are all aspects of life, that we the people must be willing to except if change is this nations goal. Anna Deavere Smith referenced President Obama creating change but as he said unable to do it alone. Smith spoke of after his inaugural speech, saying there was so much trash on the ground. How is that creating change, how is that being responsible?

Why was there so much trash, if so many people believed in Obama, listened to his speech and yet nothing differed. Maybe its because so many people are accustomed to not taking care of the outside environment. It could even be laziness or the notion, this isn't my house or they've got workers assigned for that duty. People came together connected and still at the end of the day when back home, went back to their normal routine, back to the same habits. Even after one of the biggest defining moments in American history. Yet we want change and are unable to change ourselves. If we can't do a three sixty or at least a partial change in moral standing or in lifestyle we can't just expect our President to do it all alone with just his white house staff. Smith is saying that we've got to be together when it comes to change. Because to make a difference it has to be clear in our mind. And not only that but Smith made a statement about, there are more and more forms of communication (electronic) yet less real communication (perhaps verbally & artistically).

When the three figures, 2 male and 1 female, emerged from the door to the right of the stage; I could have never imagined what I or anyone else in that audience was in for the afternoon of Jan. 27th . What new perspective we'd gain from this renowned Actor, Playwright, Professor and Author. This woman who took stage, mic in hand, bottles of water at the ready, ponytail, prepared and unconventional at its best. A person who everyone out there should know, even if you've never read her books heard her speak, seen her act. You won't regret knowing at least her name, being eager or curious. Even if your a newcomer or a person whose interested in her work, any person cannot help but be blown away by the creative mind of this woman. A citizen like you an I. Someone who practices what she preaches and has a laundry list of accomplishments to show for it.

Anna Deavere Smith wasn't there to lecture you on the right and wrongs of the world or to tell anyone what to do. She just wants us to take a moment to examine ourselves, reevaluate our reasons for things, question societal restrictions, explore to what extent are we using our projects. And to ask ourselves, what will the art institutions look like that we create?

1 comment:

  1. Lovietta, the beginning of this review really admirably conveys the kind of excitement and disorder that precedes events like this lecture. That's some very evocative writing! You take a unique approach with this review, spending as much time summarizing and, in some ways, reiterating the speaker's argument as you do evaluating and critiquing it. That's a perfectly valid choice, and one of the things we'll work on in this class is finding different ways to balance those two activities depending on the audience one is writing for. Good work!
